2 Volia Dzikovich
  • Montenegro Minsk



    Competition licence
Volia Dzikovich


  • 100
    Total starts
  • 10
  • 33
  • 57

  • 2

  • 12
  • 12%
    Win rate
  • 22
  • 22%
    Podium rate

  • 48
    Top 5
  • 48%
    Top 5 rate
  • 86
    Top 10
  • 86%
    Top 10 rate

  • 1
    Best finish
  • 5


created by Volia Dzikovich

Competed against

Show your fans which jetski you were riding in this event. Ideally it should be a closeup of a jetski, but action shot is OK, too. Remember, here the machine should be the star.

Results by time

view by competition

Runabout GP4 Ladies Portugal 8
Runabout GP4 Ladies Portugal 8
Runabout GP4 Ladies Portugal 8
Runabout GP4 Ladies Vichy, France 4
Runabout GP4 Ladies Vichy, France 7
Runabout GP4 Ladies Vichy, France 6
Runabout GP4 Ladies Gyor, Hungary 11
Runabout GP4 Ladies Gyor, Hungary 9
Runabout GP4 Ladies Gyor, Hungary 7
Runabout GP4 round 1 4
Runabout GP4 round 1 2
Runabout GP4 round 1 1
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 1
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 1
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 1
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 3 1
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 3 1
Runabout GP4 round 1 DNF
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 DNS
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 DNS
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 DNF
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 1 4
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 1 4
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 1 8
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 2
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 1
Runabout GP4 round 2 2
Runabout GP4 round 2 5
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 1 1
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 1 2
Runabout GP4 round 1 4
Runabout GP4 round 1 DQ
Spark Ladies round 1 6
Spark Ladies round 1 7
Spark Ladies round 1 7
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 4 4
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 4 4
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 4 4
Runabout GP4 round 1 5
Runabout GP4 round 1 4
Runabout GP4 round 1 4
Runabout GP4 round 2 4
Runabout GP4 round 2 5
Runabout GP4 round 2 6
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 3 3
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 3 4
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 3 4
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 8
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 7
Runabout GP4 Ladies round 2 6
Runabout GP4 Ladies Otranto, Italy -
Runabout GP4 Ladies Ibiza, Spain 11
Runabout GP4 Ladies Ibiza, Spain 10
Runabout GP4 Ladies Ibiza, Spain 9
Runabout GP4 round 4 3
Runabout GP4 round 4 3
Runabout GP4 round 4 3
Novice Runabout GP1 slalom round 4 2
Ladies Runabout GP4 round 2 6
Ladies Runabout GP4 round 2 DNF
Ladies Runabout GP4 round 2 8
Ladies Runabout GP4 round 1 7
Ladies Runabout GP4 round 1 5
Ladies Runabout GP4 round 1 9
Runabout GP4 round 2 5
Runabout GP4 round 2 4
Runabout GP4 round 2 4
Ladies Spark Liuzhou, China 5
Ladies Spark Liuzhou, China 5
Ladies Spark Liuzhou, China 6
Ladies Spark Liuzhou, China 7
Ladies Spark Hanzhong, China 8
Ladies Spark Hanzhong, China 7
Ladies Spark Hanzhong, China 8
Ski GP1 1
Ladies Ski GP1 round 5 6
Ladies Ski GP1 round 5 7
Ski GP1 1
Ski Ladies GP1 Maribor, Slovenia 4
Ski Ladies GP1 Maribor, Slovenia 4
Spark round 2 16
Spark round 1 18
Women Ski GP1 Mirandela, Portugal 7
Women Ski GP1 Mirandela, Portugal DNQ
Women Ski GP1 Mirandela, Portugal DQ
Runabout GP1 slalom Finals 3
Sport Open Moissac, France 7
Sport Open Moissac, France 9
Sport Open Moissac, France 7
Sport Open slalom 1
Sport Open So fun village, France 6
Sport Open So fun village, France 8
Sport Open So fun village, France 6
Sport Open Pont-a-Mousson, France 5
Sport Open Pont-a-Mousson, France 4
Sport Open Pont-a-Mousson, France 7
Sport Open Cogolin, France 10
Sport Open Cogolin, France 9
Sport Open Cogolin, France DQ
Ladies Ski Open 1

Also competed against
